Do you ever feel like you have to put on a smile, even when feeling down in the dumps? Have you ever been told to “look on the bright side” when faced with a tricky situation? If so, you’ve likely been a victim of toxic positivity!
Let’s explore the not-so-pretty side of toxic positivity and how it can negatively impact our body image and confidence.
What is toxic positivity?
Toxic positivity is like a happy-go-lucky virus that gets spread around and makes people think they have to be super-positive all the time! It’s like pretending that nothing bad ever happens and that no one ever has any negative feelings. But really, it’s like trying to shove a square peg into a round hole—it doesn’t work, and it’s just so silly!
Why is toxic positivity unhealthy?
Toxic positivity is unhealthy because it encourages people to ignore their negative emotions and push away their thoughts and feelings instead of dealing with them in a healthy way. This can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse or other forms of self-destructive behavior. Additionally, it can lead to feelings of guilt and shame for having negative emotions, which can cause further psychological distress.

Now that we’ve got a clearer understanding of toxic positivity, the next question is… how does it affect our body image and confidence? IKYK that we are not in love with our bodies every day. There are days when just feel that “it’s not it” and that is totally okay because that is the reality. We experience a roller coaster of emotions and it’s important to process them, rather than mask them with fake happiness.
Being able to acknowledge your true feelings allows you to be in touch with yourself more. Imagine waking up on the first day of your period and having cramps and feeling bloated, or your skin starts to break out, and worse, you’re feeling under the weather and someone tells you “Don’t worry, be happy!” or “It could be worse.” Seriously? These comments just have to stop. We’re not here for it, okay?
So the challenge is, how can you not be a toxic positive person? Here are some examples of non-toxic & accepting statements you can use.

Toxic positivity can be a powerful tool when used correctly, but it can also be damaging when taken too far. When used in the wrong way, it can lead to unrealistic expectations that can ultimately lead to unhappiness. It’s important to be mindful of how we use positivity in our lives and to be honest with ourselves about our feelings. By striking a balance between realism and optimism, we can create an environment in which we can thrive and be truly happy.
